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Yoga for Improved Sleep

Sleep may seem like a simple and passive activity, however, it's a lot more complex than you might think. Sleep is an activity displayed across all species of mammals, reptiles, and even plants. It is essential for the physiological purposes of resting, conserving energy, repairing and growing muscle and bone, consolidating learnings, and maintaining a strong immune system. Inadequate hours of sleep and/or quality of sleep can often lead to a range of problems.

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Yoga for Anxiety and Stress Management

While stress is not inherently bad and evolution has equipped us to either fight or flee, the problem arises when we are unable to stop perceiving stress or when we can’t go long enough devoid of a stressor present. Waking up startled by an alarm, often with insufficient (and poor) hours of sleep.

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Yoga for Lower Back Pain

Our lifestyles are being taken over by devices, whether it’s a computer at work, watching TV, gaming on tablets, oh and if there was any time left at all – scrolling through social media feeds on the phone. That means more hours are spend sitting in a terrible slouched posture, often without a proper backrest.

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Yoga for Improved Lung Capacity

One of the many benefits of yoga is that it helps improve lung capacity and functioning. Certain yogic practices can strengthen the respiratory muscles, which in turn improves the overall function of the lungs. Additionally, yoga helps to clear the lungs of toxins, which can help to prevent and reduce lung inflammation.

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Yoga for Improved Mobility

Sedentary work keeps us sitting in a bad posture for long hours, resulting in stiff hips and a stiff lower back. We often react to stressful situations by storing a lot of tightness in our muscles, more specifically the shoulders, neck, and upper back. Furthermore, as we age, our bodies tend to stiffen up and slowly lose flexibility.

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Meditation for Focus and Productivity

With depression and anxiety rampantly on the rise, efforts to find the most effective solution are vigorously being researched. Talk therapy, and medication like anti-depressants to name a few, but sadly enough they don’t work on everyone and never in the same capacity.

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Yoga for Weight Loss/Obesity

Morning Yoga for weight loss helps to increase your metabolism and burn fat. But it's not just about the physical benefits - yoga can also help to improve your mental and emotional well-being. This can lead to a healthier lifestyle overall, which can in turn help you lose weight.

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Yoga for Constipation

They say all diseases begin in the gut. When the bowel cycle is not regular, nutrients contaminate the bloodstream with various fat, cholesterol, and other impurities, leading to other health problems. Yoga for constipation is a holistic way to manage the condition. chronic constipation lowers the quality of life.

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Yoga for Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Your body metabolizes food into glucose for energy, and insulin is a key hormone that helps in this mechanism. When your body is unable to secrete or utilize insulin well enough, it results in very high blood sugar levels. If left untreated, this can further cause cardiovascular disorders, kidney failure, and vision loss.

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Yoga for High Blood Pressure

Around 1 billion people globally plus 50 million within U. S. suffer from hypertension. There is evidence that yoga can help lower blood pressure. The physical postures may help to improve blood circulation and reduce stress. Pranayama, the breathing techniques, especially Nadi Suddhi Pranayama, can help to reduce stress, improve lung function and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.

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Yoga for Thyroid

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. It produces hormones that regulate metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature. An imbalance in thyroid hormone levels can cause a variety of problems, including fatigue, stress, skin issues, weight gain, and muscle aches.

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Ybk Membership

One membership to access unlimited live and recorded Yoga sessions on Mobile, Tablet or Desktop

Teachers Training Course

We are a Yoga Alliance approved Continuing Education Provider ( YACEP ) offering CEP certification

Yoga Therapies

We offer Yoga therapies for Chronic Health conditions from diabetes management to Stress & Anxiety

Fitness & Wellness Platform

We offer consulting, strategy and development support for fitness and wellness business