Yoga for Constipation

They say all diseases begin in the gut. When the bowel cycle is not regular, nutrients contaminate the bloodstream with various fat, cholesterol, and other impurities, leading to other health problems.

Yoga for constipation is a holistic way to manage the condition. We know chronic constipation lowers the quality of life. Principles of yoga for constipation that can be integrated into daily life are


A sedentary lifestyle augments constipation and yoga postures reduce it. The uniqueness lies in slow movements in sync with the breath making it more mindful. These postures stimulate the abdominal region and improve the function of the organs therein (intestines, stomach). Bending, twisting, and lateral stretching activates the digestive tract giving a boost to bowel movement and regulating it. Asanas have a strong effect on stimulating peristaltic movements.

Food and water

Dehydration hardens the stools. Good hydration practice is to drink water every time you are thirsty. While we understand the importance of hydration we miss out on how to hydrate. Drinking water with solids dilutes the stomach acid making it difficult to break down and absorb the nutrients well. So always drink water half an hour before the meals and at least 1 hour after meals.

Similar is the story of solids, while fibrous foods are key to creating bulk we need to understand the hows and whys of eating. Eating timely and masticating are underrated. Digestion begins in the mouth with the mixing of saliva and food. Unchewed large food particles entering the intestine increase the chances of bloating, gas, and constipation. Eating an early and small dinner and keeping a gap of at least 2 hours before you sleep can improve digestion. This is one of the simpler ways to adopt yoga for constipation and gas.


The body repairs itself while sleeping. When the body is not in a wakeful state, it directs all its energy in repairing and maintenance. Irregular sleep patterns and abnormal sleep duration have a direct effect on bowel movements. Too much sleep can slow down bowel contractions and too little sleep reduces the time for the bowel muscles to relax, both slowing down bowel mobility. Some lifestyle changes for better sleep quality can be practicing savasana (deep relaxation), keeping the room dark while sleeping, timely sleeping hours, and minimizing electronic exposure is crucial for sound sleep.


Mind and body are interconnected. Long exposure to stress and anxiety overdrive that activates the sympathetic nervous system reduces intestinal mobility. Yogic breathwork is designed to calm the nervous system. Practices like alternate nostril breathing, humming bee breath, deep belly breathing, and rechak (Refers to a form of yogic breathing in which the exhalation is lengthened, while the inhalation remains free) increase the oxygen flow to the organs and helps to calm the agitated nervous system. Do not practice this breathwork on a full stomach.

Each body is unique and different hence there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the same problem. However, one can integrate the principles of yoga for constipation and other gastrointestinal issues and address them timely.


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